Tuesday, December 16, 2008

CK3: The Villain

One of the interesting things about the Cincinnati Kid is that (unlike so many competition-themed films) the main opponent is not the Villain, and this is played extremely well. This is the Cincinnati Kid's villain - and while it is by no means difficult to believe that he is evil. Unfortunately, this is not the place to discuss the load-bearing particularities of his villainy, as they are interesting.

Of course, as always, his suit is also interesting. The size of lapel, the fit of sleeve, the softness and vague nature of the chalk stripes on flannel, the high-buttoned vest, the pin, all speak to a careful, considered nature, a particular, fastidious personality. While one, in such a suit, skirts looking untrustworthy, certain details may be fitting for those whose work requires a strong sense of accuracy.

For those of us who are not accountants, a few points may still be safely lifted. The placement of the tie-pin is interesting (most of the tie pins in CK fall higher than I've seen today) and the color of the tie is quite interesting.

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